We are just a people trying to find our way we’ve been stripped of our culture we’ve been led astray
We’ve been poisoned into a submissive state but today we start to wake
3rd eyes and spirit guides, most high healing past lives.
No longer pleasing our senses and hurting our souls we are beyond achieving goals and living through miracles.
Even through brutality they could not take us away from us unconsciously.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid when properly triggered we are no longer placid but become rapidly avid in our own true ballad.
Dont worry theres no malice for your palette to run rabid, raping and stealing your history is tragic.
Our knowledge is extensive transforming what you know as comprehensive into offensive, expensive intensives.
We don’t need your classes to find our sources. We just need you to stop killing off our forces.
Our superheroes were real before they were written into a comic book. So real all of our generations had you shook.
You tried dismantle our future and our past and those of us so grounded in our present didn’t even live long enough to fully expose your gag. Thought you had us in the bag. My apologies for your confusion. The bullet pierced my avatar. The form was just an illusion.
Your intrusions exposed weaknesses but they are not our conclusions. Y’all were so lost your exclusions still included us. No rock could not roll without our cotton picking spirituals. No magic could be harnessed without our voodoo from the earth chemically engineered into your pharmaceuticals.
Your thrills and your frills were left in your wills for your kids to profit off our blood spilled.
But to your detriment you all refused to acknowledge the circle of life.
Awakening amidst our strife our powers we’re just on standby.
Birthing new souls with abilities unimaginable where is my midwife?
This matrix no longer serves me I’m ready to reach New heights.
See new sights you colonizers are no longer my plight.
We no longer download to your megabyte, gigabyte terabyte, no false kryptonite the pineal site will guide us right as our light meter. Truth information receiver. Moonlight healer. Chakras opening up and the body is cleaner mind is keener Are you a believer?
We are a people finding our way we are reclaiming our roots we are no longer Afraid