Ripping through reality like a freshly sharpened knife
slicing straight through the known,
forcing the unknowns of a Pandora’s box to invade your mind.
Is time on my side, how will I survive,
am I strong enough to withstand the storm,
will I be swallowed whole, will I be reborn.
gone is the comfort of guaranteed,
the illusion of your perfect lifestyle creed.
Broken is the system of perfect outcomes
ravished by depleted incomes.
Uncertainty knocks at your door,
Hello there,
am I Welcomed?
And with a Hell no you postpone the possibilities out of despair,
beating your self up with why wasn’t I prepared,
this is unfair, a truth bomb nightmare, your mind is elsewhere.
And you soul, it gives you the side eye
while your held behind those mental bars and social norms,
you forgot about your ally,
your ego lets out the war cry as your spirit waits for you on standby
hoping you will dig deep into your untapped unlimited supply of creation
no economic litigations,
no false starvation’s,
just new foundations,
cordless vibrations,
unearthly sensations,
perplexing formations,
death to the old a necessary cremation.
We are born to die and be born again
uncertainty I see you are just my long lost friend
let this new journey begin.